Dragon Seeds (JP)
What am I seeing here?
⭕ ❌ If this is all new to you, check out our EXPLAINER on memory cards, icons, and gaming history! 🔺 🟥
Original PlayStation memory card icons are really small — only 16 pixels square! That’s awfully tiny for today’s screens so I’ve created 2 versions of each icon: one at 32 pixels that is closer to the original size and a much larger one at 256 pixels.
The cover of Dragonseeds touts that it can breed beasts for battle “using memory card data from any PlayStation game”. Technically it delivers on this but in reality it’s only available as a separate mode from the main game in two-player versus mode. Worse still, the monsters it spits out are also only identified as a string of random letters and numbers making it even less interesting.
I understand the legal reasons behind the decision but at first glance I was imagining battling monsters named things like ‘Castlevania SOTN Save #3’ and ‘Gran Turismo: Replay – Trial Mountain’. How great would it be to conquer the story mode with a monster named ‘Crash Bandicoot 100%’?