Tenchu 2 (EU)
Rittai Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu 2 (JP)
What am I seeing here?
⭕ ❌ If this is all new to you, check out our EXPLAINER on memory cards, icons, and gaming history! 🔺 🟥
Original PlayStation memory card icons are really small — only 16 pixels square! That’s awfully tiny for today’s screens so I’ve created 2 versions of each icon: one at 32 pixels that is closer to the original size and a much larger one at 256 pixels.
Tenchu 2 was the first Western release featuring the Mission Editor mode and, at least in Europe, it appears to have really taken off. I found not one, but two different archives featuring hundreds of user-created missions as I was researching the games and their save icons.
Unlike Shinobi-Gaisen, the Mission Editor saves in Tenchu 2 all use the same icon so there isn’t as much to see here except for the regional variation. Check out the rest of the series too, there’s a unique little tidbit to discover about each game.
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