Exciting Fishing 2 (JP)
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⭕ ❌ If this is all new to you, check out our EXPLAINER on memory cards, icons, and gaming history! 🔺 🟥
Original PlayStation memory card icons are really small — only 16 pixels square! That’s awfully tiny for today’s screens so I’ve created 2 versions of each icon: one at 32 pixels that is closer to the original size and a much larger one at 256 pixels.
Here’s one that constantly trips up search results on the internet. For reasons unknown, Konami chose to name the English release of this game Fisherman’s Bait 2: Big Ol’ Bass and its direct sequel simply Big Ol’ Bass 2. Both titles contain ‘Big Ol’ Bass’ and the number ‘2’ but are totally different games. In Japan it’s much more straightforward as Exciting Fishing 2 and Exciting Fishing 3.
Maybe they were planning to ditch the Fisherman’s Bait name and make a series of Big Ol’ Bass titles but they never did. Regardless, if you somehow ended up on this page and if you’re looking for the outlandish post-apocalyptic, monster-fish fishing game, it’s Big Ol’ Bass 2 that you want!
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