Trap Runner (EU)
What am I seeing here?
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Original PlayStation memory card icons are really small — only 16 pixels square! That’s awfully tiny for today’s screens so I’ve created 2 versions of each icon: one at 32 pixels that is closer to the original size and a much larger one at 256 pixels.
Here’s another example of a static memory card icon from a Western release that is animated in the Japanese version. I’m still comparing and investigating but this seems to be based on a technical requirement that only impacted European releases but often piggybacked onto the North American versions. For reasons yet unknown the TCR states that European save icons can only use as many frames of animation (3 at most) as the number of blocks that it uses on the memory card. In other words, does your game save only require 1 block? Then the icon can only be a static image. This distinction doesn’t seem to exist for other territories.